10GM - A joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Greater Manchester

Cancer & Inequalities

10GM is working in collaboration with GM Cancer, partners from across the wider health system and the wider VCSE sector to achieve a permanent reduction in inequalities and inequity within Greater Manchester.

The project will work towards finding innovative ways of tackling inequalities by addressing the social, environmental, and economic determinants of health and wellbeing, with the aim to ensure active VCSE participation and parity in strategic work to enhance equality, equity and wellbeing. 

If you’re a GM VCSE organisation working with - or wanting to find out more about – supporting people in your community affected by cancer, get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

What are Inequalities?

Health inequalities are avoidable, unfair and cause systematic differences in health between different groups of people. They exist as a result of systematic variation in (i) the accessibility, quality and experience of health and care services, (ii) individual behaviours and, most importantly, (iii) the wider determinants of health, such as employment, education and income. 

Health inequalities in the cancer system can represent themselves as differences between groups in: 


The risk of getting cancer


The proportion of people diagnosed at an early stage


Access and experience of diagnosis, treatment, and care


Access to research


Representation within the workforce

What is happening in GM to reduce inequalities?

Greater Manchester has a strong track record of taking action to tackle inequalities and improve health and wellbeing but understands that more needs to be done, especially when the focus is on cancer. The GM Tackling Health Inequalities Strategy set out a number of objectives to reduce inequalities in incidence and outcomes and improve equity in access and experience of cancer care.

What is 10GM’s role?

To support GM Cancer with its aim to tackle inequalities in incidence and outcomes and improve equity in access and experience of cancer care 10GM employs a Strategic Lead for Cancer & Inequalities. This role will work alongside GM Cancer and will be vital to the strategic engagement of the VCSE sector in channelling insights into the challenges faced by a broad range of marginalised communities into decisions taken at a GM level.

There are many VCSE organisations, whilst not cancer specialists, have crucial insight and understanding of the barriers faced by their communities in relation to health and wellbeing.

The VCSE Strategic Lead for Cancer & Inequalities: 


Provides leadership in the VCSE sector for Cancer and Inequalities work and initiatives 


Champions the VCSE as a partner within the Cancer system  


Provides insight and intelligence from our VCSE organisations 


Supports the Cancer system to reach into communities 


Develop an understanding of the environment in which VCSE groups are operating, within the integrated care system.


Facilitate the newly formed Cancer & Inequalities Network.

Join the GM Cancer & Inequalities Network

We have formed a network of VCSE organisations that are interested in - or already working with - people affected by cancer in their communities. This is a new network of interested groups and organisations that holds 6 weekly online meetings and provides a place to share and learn from each other, promotes opportunities to get involved with the cancer system and the wider inequalities work, shares challenges faced by our communities, and brings the lived experience together to influence the cancer care system.

Meetings so far have focused on:
- The experience of inequalities in our communities and bringing lived experience to the forefront of our work.
- Priorities of focus for the coming year.
- Understanding the complex system of cancer care in England and in the Greater Manchester region.
- Where we fit in with the system, where the opportunities for linking in better are, and where we can best influence the system.

If you would like to get involved and become a member of the network or to discuss the network further, get in touch.

#WednesdaysWeekly - Exploring inequalities within Cancer Care

This #WednesdaysWeekly session, hosted by 10GM partner organisation, Action Together, is aimed at VCSE organisations across Greater Manchester who want to understand the cancer pathway more, where the opportunities are, where the links could lie to existing work streams/projects, and where there is potential to link into the ‘system’ more.

How can I get involved? 

Let’s work together to improve the lives of people living with cancer. If you’re a GM VCSE organisation working with - or wanting to find out more about – supporting people in your community affected by cancer, get in touch. We’d love to hear from you. Contact Kirsty Rowlinson-Groves, 10GM Strategic Lead (Cancer & Inequalities).

Find out more about work going on to improve cancer awareness and increase the uptake of cancer screening across Greater Manchester.
People wearing Answer Cancer t-shirts smiling at the camera

Answer Cancer

Answer Cancer is a partnership working to improve cancer awareness and increase the uptake of cancer screening across Greater Manchester. We do so via grants, delivering cancer screening awareness sessions, supporting a network of Cancer Champions, and providing training.

Answer Cancer is delivered by Salford CVS, on behalf of 10GM.

Man eating a biscuit in a garden.

Cancer & Inequalities Grants

As part of 10GM’s Cancer and Inequalities Programme, we provided grants of up to £5,000 for Greater Manchester-based VCSE organisations undertaking projects to support improvements in early cancer diagnosis amongst groups who are at higher risk of later-stage detection and diagnosis.

The deadline to apply for a grant has now passed.

Page last reviewed: 04 June 2023.

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