10GM - A joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Greater Manchester
Living Wage Foundation logo

Living Wage

We believe people who are in work should be paid at least a rate which is enough to live on. As organisations which support other charities, we recognise the financial challenge this may pose but would encourage all charities and social enterprises to consider how they can become Living Wage Employers. As a sector dedicated to tackling inequality, we must use every means possible to do so.

We support the Greater Manchester Living Wage Campaign which aims to make Greater Manchester a Living Wage City Region where every worker lives with dignity
www.gmlivingwage.org | @gmlivingwage

Grants for good logo

Grants for Good

Grant funding from the public sector is essential for communities to thrive, putting people at the heart of everything. It empowers charities and voluntary groups to identify and solve problems and address needs in a way which is centred around people. Over the last decade, however, this vital resource has been rapidly disappearing, replaced by more restrictive and inflexible contracts. Grants from the public sector now make up only 5.5% of charity sector income, a decline of over 60% since 2004 (NCVO, Civil Society Almanac 2015). At the current rate of decline, grants could all but disappear by 2020.

10GM promotes the importance of grants and helps commissioners design grants programmes. We also administer a wide range of grants programmes.

Keep Volunteering Voluntary

Keep Volunteering Voluntary

10GM partners deliver a range of volunteering initiatives across Greater Manchester, including all the Volunteer Centres in the city-region. We know the value of volunteering. We strongly believe that volunteering means people independently choosing to give their time freely to help others and make the world a better place. It is not simply “unpaid work”. We believe in keeping volunteering voluntary. We will not participate in workfare schemes which require unemployed people to carry out unpaid work or face benefit sanctions that can cause hardship and destitution.

Page last reviewed: 13 September 2022

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