10GM - A joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Greater Manchester
Two people walking

We're recruiting

Do you have a passion for improving health and tackling health inequalities? We're looking for maternity cover for a Strategic Lead for our Cancer & Inequalities work.

GM workforce hub logo

Just launched!
Check out the GM Workforce and Recruitment Hubs 

The GM Workforce and Recruitment Hubs are now live! Designed to support Greater Manchester's VCSE sector in becoming great employers, you can explore HR, recruitment, talent development, diversity, inclusion, leadership, and wellbeing resources, and engage in networking and learning opportunities. Plus, post your new VCSE vacancies on the recruitment hub to attract new talent.

We want to hear from you

Help us to evaluate pay and conditions in the VCSE sector

Research on the GM VCSE Workforce revealed salary as a major recruitment barrier, so we're surveying to evaluate pay and conditions in the sector - to drive improvements and support with salary benchmarking. GM VCSE organisations - please take part by 31 May.

For all interested in VCSE leadership

Join us at an upcoming workshop

Using Data to Drive Decisions

Tuesday 21 May, 10:30-12:30, online.  

Community Engagement and Leadership with Kat Pursall

Thursday 13 May, 14:00-15:30, online.

Keeping Change Going: Leading Through Uncertainty

Tuesday 11 June, 10:00-12:00, online.

A graffiti artist creating a painting

Let's get creative

Calling Greater Manchester's freelance and independent artists, and small organisations!

Are you a musician who would benefit from a new instrument, a small group who needs funds to expand your wardrobe or replace costumes, or a freelance artist who wishes to upskill via a training course? The GMCA Inspire Fund is providing grants of £500 – £2,000.

Latest News 

VCSE Commissioning Framework: 4 years on - survey findings

Over February and March of 2024, we carried out a survey to find out how much progress we had made on the VCSE Commissioning Framework recommendations over the past 4 years. Although the response rate was fairly low, we gathered valuable insight into current experiences of VCSE Commissioning, which are summarised in this report.

These findings have been used to refine the VCSE Commissioning and Investment Group’s plans for 24/5 and beyond.

Read our most recent Activity Report

It’s been an eventful year, with our work in Greater Manchester (GM) influenced by world events, the aftermath of COVID, the ongoing cost of living ‘crisis’, the machinery of government, and recent changes in the NHS. 

Our September 2022-October 2023 Activity Report will give you a flavour of how 10GM has committed to supporting and strengthening the voluntary, community & social enterprise (VCSE) sector in Greater Manchester.

We're working with Flourish Together CIC to offer bespoke coaching support to Greater Manchester's Future VCSE Leaders

As part of 10GM’s learning and development programme for Future VCSE Leaders, we are delighted to be working with Flourish Together CIC to offer bespoke coaching support to participants. Flourish is a social enterprise organisation, working strategically and at grassroots levels and brings over 10 years of experience in delivering resilience, leadership, innovation and enterprise programmes with diverse VCSE leaders. Participants in 10GM’s VCSE Future Leaders Programme will be able to access Flourish’s pool of coaches; spanning a range of specialisms including life coaching, enterprise coaching, career coaching and wellbeing/trauma-informed support. 

VCSE Data and Intelligence Project

10GM ‘s project to understand the state of data and intelligence in the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester's purpose was to understand the current state of data maturity, explore challenges and barriers, and identify opportunities and actions for advancing data capabilities.

Download the final evaluation report, including ten potential investable project ideas that have been developed in response to the research project and recommendations, and a recording of our launch event.

We're working with Cooperatives UK to support Greater Manchester's Social Economy 

Funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (E26), 10GM is supporting social economy organisations to deliver an alternative way of doing business in Greater Manchester.

Working with LIOs across GM, we’ll offer bespoke specialist support to social economy organisations such as cooperatives, social enterprises, community businesses and registered charities. GM’s LIOs have a deep understanding of the complexity of the Greater Manchester social ecosystem and have the specific knowledge and experience needed to support this sector. Cooperatives UK are creating an Online Inclusive Ownership Platform with wrap-around staff support, due to launch in Summer 2024.

The 10GM VCSE leadership programmes have begun!

As part of our exciting VCSE Workforce Development Programme leadership and development activities, we've brought together participants from our existing and future VCSE leaders cohorts, to co-design and shape two new leadership learning programmes.

Kerry Tottingham from A Brilliant Thing CIC facilitated a creative co-design session for existing leaders, where participants mapped their collective vision and goals for leadership development, with a strong focus on inclusive leadership practices.

Future VCSE leaders also took part in a range of co-design activities and discussions, facilitated by Claire Ebrey from On The Level and Ed Moss from The Space to Thrive. The group explored a range of themes including barriers to developing as a leader, developing confidence, collaboration and skills sharing.

If you want to stay up to date about our VCSE Workforce learning activities, join our mailing list.

About 10GM

10GM is a joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector in Greater Manchester. The founding members are: Action Together, Bolton CVS, Macc and Salford CVS. We are local infrastructure organisations operating strategically and collaboratively; our shared purpose is to champion local voluntary and community action and social enterprise across the city-region in order to improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of Greater Manchester’s people and communities.

This is a time of change in Greater Manchester. We believe that voluntary and community organisations, and social enterprises have an important part to play in ensuring that devolution benefits everyone. 

we are a living wage employer

10GM is proud to be a Living Wage Employer. 

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