10GM - A joint venture to support the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Greater Manchester
Covid-10: Volunteering

This page is no longer being updated. To find volunteering opportunities, please head to the local area page of your Local VCSE Infrastructure Organisation. 

GM Volunteering Good Practice Guidance

10GM worked with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the University of Manchester to develop good practice guidance around leading and involving volunteers in Greater Manchester in response to the Covid-19 crisis. The resources below are intended for each of the boroughs of Greater Manchester use and adapt for their own arrangements and for anyone supporting volunteers across GM.

GM Volunteering Good Practice Guidance (PDF)

Appendix 1 - Guidelines for Involving Volunteers in Covid19 (PDF)
Appendix 2 - Essex Volunteer Good Practice Guide Code of Conduct v0.1 (PDF)
Appendix 3 - RVS Getting Started as a Check in and Chat Volunteer_V1.8 (PDF)
Appendix 4 - RVS Getting Started as a Community Response Volunteer_V1.11 (PDF)
Appendix 5 - RVS Getting Started as a NHS Transport Volunteer_V1.11 (PDF)
Appendix 6 - RVS Getting Started as a Patient Transport Volunteer_V1.9 (PDF)
Appendix 7 - Role Description - Shopping Volunteer COVID19 (PDF)
Appendix 8 - Role Description - Food Bank Volunteer (PDF)
Appendix 9 - Role Description - Good Neighbour Volunteer (PDF)
Appendix 10 - Role Description - National Helpline Volunteer (PDF)
Appendix 11 - Role Description - Food Delivery Assistant (PDF)
Appendix 12 - Role Description - Social Media Volunteer (PDF)
Appendix 13 - NHS Volunteer Responders Information for Primary Care 31032020 (PDF)
Appendix 14 - GM Voluntary Agencies Matrix (PDF)
Appendix 15 - CCLG Volunteer Expenses Policy Aug2017 (PDF)
Appendix 16 - Local Groups Mutual Aid Guide to Making Payments 01042020 (PDF)
Appendix 17 - Volunteers Expenses Policy October 2015 (PDF)
Appendix 18 - Safeguarding information for volunteers (PDF)
Appendix 19 - Risk Assessment Volunteering Information Sheet (PDF)
Appendix 20 - Code of conduct for volunteers in Covid-19 (PDF)
Appendix 21 - Sample Evidence of Volunteer Status Letter (PDF)
Appendix 22 - Mental health and wellbeing training and resources available for Nightingale Hospital staff (PDF)
Appendix 23 - Covid19 advice for food businesses (PDF)
Appendix 24 - GMPA - VCSE Food Providers Support Needs (COVID-19 and Beyond) (PDF)
Appendix 25 - Toolkit for residents setting up a structured Covid19 Volunteer Emergency Response (PDF)

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